Grateful and proud to be invited and present at the Global Sustainability Forum within the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation Community congress that took place…
The Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2) Joint Undertaking mobilised more than € 33 million to support Inno4vac, an innovative public-private partnership to accelerate vaccine R&D…
Transforming Vaccinology (L2) Scientific Organizers: Rino Rappuoli, Lynda M. Stuart and Federica Sallusto March 15—19, 2020 Firenze Fiera- Fortezza da Basso, Florence, Italy For more information,…
Conference on “Vaccini. La ricerca per la salute globale” in the context of the series of meetings “Studium”; Siena, Aula Magna storica del Rettorato, 30th May…
Researchers have announced that the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine has shown 100 % effectiveness in a Phase III large-scale trial of over 7000 people in Guinea. Read the full paper
With an emphasis on systems analyses, the VSV-EBOVAC project harnesses state-of-theart technologies that illuminate mechanisms behind the observed immunogenicity and reactogenicity of the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine…
The Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) of the European Parliament, organizes an event “Working Breakfast on Vaccine Research and Development in Europe”. This is…
From 11th -14th September 2017 , Siena, Italy. Organized by the University of Siena and directed by Dr. Sandra Nuti. The advanced course in flow cytometry will be of particular relevance…
VSV-EBOVAC Consortium reports that a dose-dependent plasma signature of innate immune responses to the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine reflects its biological outcomes and safety in Europe and…
The ADITEC Project on Advanced Immunization Technologies: an European Success Story. 30 million Euros of funding, 42 public and private institutions have joined forces for next…